
Sporty & Rich lance une collection de tenniscore vintage avec des influenceurs

par | 5 juin 2024 | Nouvelles des influenceurs

Recently, Sporty & Rich launched a vintage tenniscore collection with a twist! 

The brand invited 8 local influencers for a tennis lesson and an unforgettable dinner during Rolando Garros.

Le résultat ?

👉 Sporty & Rich gained nearly 8% new followers.

👉 The brand’s own post on Instagram got 11K likes, which is 3.2 times more than their average!

👉 They landed 7K mentions on Instagram.

👉 And an average 97.7K views per Reel.

Join me as I examine this launch and determine what influencer marketing secrets we can learn.

Vous êtes prêts ? Let's roll. 👇

How did Sporty & Rich launch their vintage tennis collection?

Sporty & Rich invited 8 local micro-influencers for a tennis lesson.

Decked in the latest vintage tennis gear from Sporty & Rich, the models and influencers had the perfect opportunity to learn some new tricks while looking like 80s champions.

Some of the local stars invited to this exciting event included @alfietootsie, @laura__guillon et @carla_ginola. 🤩

Mais ce n'est pas tout.

After the fun-filled tennis lesson, the brand treated the attendees to a tasty dinner. 🧑‍🍳

Even the brand’s founder, @emilyoberg, got in on the fun.

And it was a success!

Emily thanked her team for their hard work: “Thank you to everyone who made this possible. I’m so proud of my team and everything we’ve built in such a short time. We’re forever chasing things that excite and inspire us.”

Not only did Emily share the event on Instagram, but the influencers were also encouraged to share their fun time with their fans.

And the result? 🤔

👉 Together, they managed to get over 37K likes and 7K mentions on Instagram!

Now, what can we learn from this successful launch?

What can we learn from the Sporty & Rich launch?

There are quite a few things we can learn from this event. Here’s my take on it:

🎯 Know your ideal audience: Sporty & Rich worked with influencers with an audience aged between 25 and 34. 

🎯 Embrace micro-influencers: While they lack the reach of mega influencers, micro-influencers are more affordable and often have better connections with their audiences.

🎯 Create memorable events: The fun tennis lesson and extravagant dinner? Those are unforgettable experiences. They stay long after the glitz and glam are gone.

🎯 Get your team onboard: Sporty & Rich wasn’t afraid to rope in their founder to help spread awareness about the event. This adds authenticity and shows real passion.

🎯 Make it timely: Matching the launch with Rolando Garros? Sheer genius. Match your events to current, trending events, and you’ll succeed.

How did the Sporty & Rich brand start?

Sporty & Rich started as a mood board magazine. The brand’s Instagram account was the foundation. Yes, the brand was started by an influencer!

But it quickly became more.

Expanding into a clothing line was a natural next step. After leaving a full-time job, the founder, Emily Oberg, decided to give it a shot. It worked. This shift wasn’t forced or planned; it happened organically.

Emily believes that “Everything happens if and when it is supposed to.” And I agree!

Sporty & Rich’s journey from mood board to lifestyle brand shows how passion and opportunity can blend seamlessly.

Mes dernières réflexions

And there you have it. If you want to succeed with influencer marketing, find inspiration from brands like Sporty & Rich. Create epic, unforgettable events, and you’ll do great.

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