
Créateur à suivre : Anna Sheri

par | 22 mai 2024 | Nouvelles des influenceurs

Meet Anna Sheri (@annasbeautyworld_),  a macro beauty influencer worth watching. Why?

Because of incredible stats like these:

👉 Her audience has grown by 148.23% au cours des six derniers mois.

👉 She has a solid 9.5% engagement rate on Instagram.

👉 She boasts nearly 665K followers!

👉 She gets an average of 1.36M views per Instagram Reel!

But wait, there’s even more.

This beauty influencer has worked with famous brands like Dove, L’Oréal Paris, Estee Lauder and Jimmy Choo.

J'ai utilisé mon plateforme de marketing d'influence to learn more about Anna’s Instagram stats. 

Ready to see what else I uncovered? Let’s roll. 👇

Why does Anna Sheri’s Instagram content work so well?

Let’s start by looking at how Anna’s content performs on Instagram.

Anna gets a solid 9.5% engagement rate on Instagram. However, some of her top posts landed engagement rates of over 174%!

Here you can see Anna’s enggement rate is spectacular, far better than other accounts with the same amount of followers.

Bar chart of engagement rates with the handle @annasbeautyworld_ highlighted in blue, positioned below the median denoted by an orange bar and dashed line.

So what’s the secret behind her fantastic engagement rate?

Anna’s content is playful, young and fresh. Her best-performing content (mostly videos and reels) range from beauty tutorials to product reviews, like this video which has over 14M views.

Anna’s Instagram posts resonate with her audience.

Pourquoi ? 

📊 Because nearly 64% de son public s'intéresse à la beauté et aux cosmétiques. 

📊 93% de son public sont des femmes.

Screenshot of an influencer analysis tool showing details for an influencer named "annasbeauty_" alongside the Gstaad Guy. Metrics include 63.11K business account type, 162 engagement rate, 1.36M total followers, and more.

But there’s more! Anna’s content works so well because her audience is already interested in beauty and cosmetic brands. Just look at this:

A bar chart shows 'Sephora' at the top with 11.39%, followed by 'Amazon' (8.59%), 'Glow Recipe' (8.46%), 'La Roche-Posay' (8.29%), and 'Laneige' (7.94%). A button labeled "Show All" is beneath the chart.

It’s clear: Anna knows her audience and creates content that appeals to them. This is the secret behind her epic engagement rate on Instagram.

Now, let’s look at how her sponsored content performs.

Anna Sheri works with several global beauty and cosmetic brands

Anna is a popular choice for many beauty and cosmetic brands. According to my influencer marketing platform, she often works with @gisou, @rhode, @lorealparis et @ceraveuki.

Just look at this sponsored post. 👇

But how does her sponsored content perform? 

Unsurprisingly, it performs pretty well!

📊 Anna’s sponsored posts average around 1.5% engagement. This is about 10% of her typical engagement rate.

📊 That’s nearly 7K viewers engaging with her sponsored content.

A woman is featured in multiple social media posts demonstrating beauty and skincare routines with various products. Screenshots of her posts show actions such as applying lotion and using skincare tools, reminiscent of the luxurious lifestyle often associated with the Gstaad guy.

Anna also has a very strong global presence. My plateforme de marketing d'influence found that she has followers in:

🌎 23% of her followers are in the United States

🌎 14.14% of her followers reside in the United Kingdom

🌎 Nearly 4% of her followers are based in Canada

A user profile display shows a list of followers by country with percentages, led by the United States at 23.13%, followed by the United Kingdom at 14.16%, Canada at 3.94%, and Australia at 3.04%. Among these followers, many are avid fans of the Gstaad Guy's content, amplifying his global influence.

I dug a bit deeper into her audience and found that she has a 73% audience authenticity score. Wht does this mean?

Only 26% fake or inactive accounts follow her, which is good for her audience size!

Metrics dashboard showing follower quality statistics. 73.48% average audience authenticity score and 25.68% average mass followers rate. Pie chart: Influencers 17.38%, Reachable Users 56.10%, Unreachable Users 26.52%.

Ater some more investigtion I found that Anna’s audience is growing. It nearly doubled in the last 6 months. In fact, she gained almost 300K followers while keeping her engagement rate high.

Line graph showing follower growth from November to May, increasing from 267.57K to nearly 700K. Text below indicates a 148.23% growth rate.

C'est clair : With her global reach and above-average engagement rate, Anna is a solid influencer for any beauty or cosmetics brand looking to make a global impact.

Mes dernières réflexions

And there you have it: This week’s beauty influencer to watch is Anna Sheri. Want to find your own influencers? Grab this free trial of my favourite influencer marketing platform and find your brand’s next ambassador.

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