
Shop Balou
Case Study 

SHOP BALOU is a French clothing brand launched in March 2021. Made in France, this sustainable and innovative fashion brand are 100% prints, timelessness and zero waste.

Needs: Awareness + Growth + Sales

Shop balou clothes from click analytic content
A woman in blue floral pajamas sitting on rocks.

Services & Channels

  • Focused on Instagram
  • d'influence marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Community Building
  • Social Media Strategy

The Challenges

SHOP BALOU is a very young brand, with beautiful and positive values. The problem was the lack of audience and how to create engagement as a starting brand. Our challenge was to develop a community and create awareness in different market to support the launch of the brand. 


  • Lack of community
  • Low audience and engagement
  • No influence marketing strategy
A woman in polka dot pants and a purple purse.
A woman standing on a rocky beach in a blue printed jumpsuit.

Our Approach

In order to bring in an audience that will appreciate and follow BALOU over time, we first had to understand BALOU’s target audience and their interests. With a good understanding of the demographics and a good vision of the brand, we were able to design a powerful influencer & social media strategy.

Then, via ClickAnalytic, we researched the most relevant and performing influencer profiles for BALOU. Finally, we managed different influencer campaigns highlighting the beauty and quality of the brand’s products, in order to give visibility and engagement to the BALOU account.


  • Influencer identification & management
  • Negotiation & outreach
  • Content validation
  • Product seeding community
  • Paid Media Agency Advisory
  • New Product Launch Campaigns
    A woman is sitting on a couch with a cup of coffee.

    The Results

    In less than 3 weeks, we helped SHOP BALOU to develop the base of brand audience. Now, BALOU can talk easily to their audience and make sales through their social media!

    + 714 000
    People Reached

    + 650
    Website Clicks

    + 1 920%
    Followers Gained

    +3 300%
    Sales Growth 

    + 4 500
    Profil visits

    +54 000
    Total likes

    If you are a small business looking for visibility, Click is the most affordable tool for marketing d'influence. Their team helped us to strategically plan our launch and achieve amazing success !

    CEO, Shop Balou