Bienvenue dans notre Hub Marketing Influencer
Gagnez des followers et boostez vos ventes avec les influenceurs.
L'incroyable lancement de produit de Rhode Skin
Rhode Skin’s new product launch took the internet by storm. Again. What can we learn from their epic influencer marketing? Let’s find out.
23 Brazilian fitness influencers to follow on Instagram
Are you looking for the top Brazilian fitness influencers on Instagram?
The top Brazilian fitness influencers on Instagram include juliane.coura, dodyaquino, personal.barbaraisabel and…
28 Mèmes sur le marketing d'influence
Are you looking for funny influencer marketing memes?
We’ve got 28 marketing memes guaranteed to make you laugh.
Check ‘em out now.
Base de données d'influenceurs : Quoi, pourquoi et comment (+ Outils gratuits)
Discover the power of an influencer database!
Find the perfect collaborators, save time & effort, and boost your marketing campaigns.
13 échecs cuisants du marketing d'influence
13 Cringy influencer marketing fails.
Laugh or cry. These influencer marketing fails each has a lesson for us.
Let’s learn from the worst.
11 défis du marketing d'influence (et comment les relever !)
Interested in influencer marketing?
It’s not all sunshine and roses.
Here are 11 influencer marketing challenges to prepare for before you lose money.
Le marketing d'influence pour les startups (6 étapes gratuites)
Influencer marketing for startups is easier than you think.
Here are 6 free actionable steps you can take today to get your startup noticed.
7 exemples d'avenants pour vous inspirer
Looking for endorsement examples?
We’ve got 7 endorsement examples.
Learn why so many brands are seeking out endorsements.
49 Hottest models on Instagram
Are you looking for the hottest models on Instagram? The top models on Instagram include @caradelevingne, @haileybieber, @bellahadid and…