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Qu'est-ce qu'une plateforme de marketing d'influence ?
Qu'est-ce qu'une plateforme de marketing d'influence ?
Why are more and more companies using influencer marketing platforms?
Join us as we find out why you need this tool.
Comment suivre le marketing d'influence
Do you know how to track influencer marketing?
Use our guide for quick and practical insights.
We’ve even included free tools to help you.
Marketing d'influence pour les petites entreprises
Influencer marketing for small business is easier than you think.
Check out our free guide and tools to launch your first campaign today.
Qu'est-ce qu'un macro-influenceur ? Guide, conseils et secrets.
Curious about macro-influencers?
Can they help your marketing succeed?
Join us as we discover why brands are going wild over these influencers.
Michael Cera et Cerave
Is Michael Cera a brand ambassador for Cerave?
Or is this a clever influencer marketing stunt?
Join us as we take a deep dive into this remarkable campaign.
Poppi, Paris Hilton et un pop-up store
Découvrez comment Poppi a fait appel à Paris Hilton et à des influenceurs pour créer un événement à durée limitée qui a propulsé la marque vers son statut de célébrité.
Chocolat évolué et Tinx
What can we learn from the partnership between Evolved Chocolate and Tinx?
Check out this deep dive into an epic influencer marketing campaign.
Let’s roll.
Comment les influenceurs et Taylor Swift pourraient influencer le Super Bowl
Following the Super Bowl buzz?
Check out how influencers and Taylor Swift could impact the Super Bowl for years to come.
Fanbytes transforme un créateur entrepreneur en multimillionnaire avant 30 ans
Fanbytes turned its creator into a multi-millionaire before 30. What can we learn and how did influencer marketing fit into their success? Let’s find out.