
Access Accurate & Up to Date Influencer Analytics

Certify any Instagram, YouTube and TikTok creator within seconds and understand their audience demographics & performance metrics.

Access Accurate & Up to Date Influencer Analytics

Certify any Instagram, YouTube and TikTok creator within seconds and understand their audience demographics & performance metrics.

Stop Guessing and Check Fake Followers

Make the right decision for all your influencers partnerships using +35 audience & performance metrics.

Verify the Audience Overlap

Understand how much of your audience is already overlapping with influencers or competitors. Are you reaching the same audience across multiple Instagram, TikTok or YouTube creators?

Review the Success of Previous Collabs

Audit influencers not only by reviewing their audience stats but also by scanning their previous campaigns with potential competitors or other brands.


"Click a changé la vie de notre équipe... C'est un excellent complément à notre ensemble de compétences pendant l'identification du créateur.

Beckii Flint
Directeur général, Pepper Studio

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+3 000 spécialistes du marketing ont trouvé des influenceurs grâce à Click Analytic