
Cambly Tutors
Case Study 

Cambly is une English learning platform for students across 190+ countries. They provide on-demand access to native English-speaking tutors over video chat. 

Needs: Awareness + Tutor Sign-Ups

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Services & Channels

  • Youtube (Primary) Campaigns
  • Instagram Campaigns
  • Content Creation
  • d'influence marketing

The Challenges

Cambly’s campaign goals were rather unique, with the key KPI being completed tutor applications/signups. In the ESL industry, Cambly offers its tutors a relatively low hourly rate compared to its competition. Applicants are also required to be native English-speakers, leading to some country restrictions. Finally recent Chinese ESL policy updates had a huge impact on the reduction in tutor pool options. 

  • No previous influencer marketing experience
  • Lack of social media presence
  • Low-Pay incentives for tutors


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Our Approach

To identify a target audience and key differences between the two products’ demographics, we completed a comprehensive analysis of Cambly’s multiple products (Kids + General) and existing tutor population.

Then, using Click Analytic, plateforme de recherche d'influenceurs, we identified the types of influencer niche categories and content that Cambly’s target audience engages with most. We undertook full management of influencer campaigns for both their General Tutor and Kids Tutor business, with the goals of encouraging tutor applications using key triggers like policy updates (ESL), tutor perks, and more.

The campaign used longer form video content to describe a more complex offering with an application process and global footprint. This content was used for marketing purposes and building a strong community on social media.

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The Results

With just one campaign, using only 4 affordable influencers, CAMBLY now has a massive influx of new tutor applications to consider and scale their business. They also had the opportunity to increase brand awareness across social media and word of mouth via different niches and influencer countries. With the use of referral codes, the partnerships continue to bring in applicants, even after the payment and partnerships have ended. 

+ 10 000

+ 350 000
Content Views

Cost per Signup

Cost per View

Click helped us set up and scale our influencer program to generate +10K new sign up’s in less than a month. Would highly recommend Click Analytic.

Mary Li – Digital Growth & Operations, Cambly