
We recently had the pleasure of sharing our expertise in influencer marketing & advertising at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland.

Thanks to Professor Michael Puntiroli, our CEO Paul Boulet had the privilege to interact with students completing a Masters in General Management. Introducing them to the key challenges and opportunities of Influencer Marketing. 

We helped them understand the tricks and backstage stories of the industry as well as introducing them to demographic and performance analysis of several celebrities. We also gave them the opportunity to participate in a case study where they had to find suitable influencers for a marketing campaign. 

It was a fantastic experience, and we would like to thank the University of Neuchâtel again for having us. It was a pleasure!

For further questions or collaborations your can write to [email protected]

Click Analytic, plateforme de recherche d'influenceurs est l'outil d'influence le plus complet et le plus abordable du marché. Il vous permet de rechercher +120M d'influenceurs, d'analyser leurs audiences et de gérer vos campagnes pour Instagram, TikTok et YouTube. Essayez-le GRATUITEMENT maintenant !