
During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Click Analytic felt it was important to raise awareness and assist with a crowdfunding campaign to increase donations for caregivers and healthcare workers manning the front-line. After achieving the donation goal, and delivering over 50,000 masks, in association with Des Masques  Pour Nos Soignants, we decided to use the social power of Instagram influencers to conduct a wider ranging survey.

Benefits of an Instagram Survey

Through the use of story posts/polls and other features, compared with traditional surveys, Instagram provides a somewhat unique opportunity to reliably capture the responses of a large audience in a very short time. It also allows for quicker adaptability, communication, effectiveness and survey flexibility based on the direct feedback provided by the audience, through Instagram.

With the use of Click’s advanced analytics tools, we can validate the credibility of these audiences (or followers) to determine the quality of the response and the type (demographics) of audience that participated in the survey.

Primary Objectives

  • Raise awareness around the COVID-19 pandemic to increase compliance with quarantine guidelines (social distancing, stay at home, masks, etc).
  • Investigate how people are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic (safety, emotions, mental health).
  • Give participants another direct option to donate to a charitable organization that supports healthcare workers.

Methodology & Influencer Selection

Click Analytic partnered with three French-based Instagram influencers that have a total following of 121,200. As you can see, we carefully vetted each influencer, applying a follower credibility score and choosing those with a relatively high engagement rate and strong mix of key age demographics (millennials, college age population).

Results & Analysis

With 75,000 unique impressions, across these influencer’s Instagram story posts, the survey averaged a response of over 12,500 for each of the three major questions proposed.

ISOLATION & HYGIENE GUIDELINES: most participants responded that they were complying with the guidelines, however a significant amount were unclear as almost 20% were unaware and only complied partially. While the 3% of unclear responses seems like an insignificant figure, detecting this number allowed us to immediately act by forwarding people to the government website containing all of the proper guidelines. It also allowed us to adapt the influencers’ communication in the next days to promote compliance.

DIFFERENT WORLD: the majority of participants believed that the world would be different after the pandemic. This virus forced some to change habits and rethink everyday life. The positive sentiment seems to have opened the door to new and unclear possibilities for the future.

DONATIONS: participants were willing to donate and support the charitable cause. We had 1,312 choose to swipe up on the survey story and click on the donation link. By declaring their willingness/intention, people feel more motivated in actual donation. This survey structure can be used to boost people’s contribution to social campaigns in the future.

QUARANTINE ACTIVITIES: this survey was a useful way to allow people to talk about themselves and have a sense of community involvement while coping with a quarantine. With proper features, an Instagram survey can also be utilized as a way to spread positivity within a select community, increase follower comradery by encouraging re-posting of their answers, and create a sense of positivity and empathy among followers.

Ready to conduct a survey and better understand your Instagram community, audience, and customer base?

Click Analytic, plateforme de recherche d'influenceurs est l'outil d'influence le plus complet et le plus abordable du marché. Il vous permet de rechercher +120M d'influenceurs, d'analyser leurs audiences et de gérer vos campagnes pour Instagram, TikTok et YouTube. Essayez-le GRATUITEMENT maintenant !