
11 influencer marketing challenges (And how to beat ‘em!)

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Marketing Tips

Influencer marketing challenges are a real headache for many of us. 🤕

Did you know? A whopping 67% of marketing professionals consider finding the right influencer their top challenge. That’s a scary number reflecting a common influencer marketing problem! 😢

We know influencer marketing often feels like walking through a maze of uncertainties. 🌀 

From matching your brand with the perfect influencer to calculating the elusive ROI, the challenges are many. 

👉 And yes, it is often daunting.

But don’t worry! Here at Click Analytic, we’re all about turning problems into possibilities.

We’re looking at influencer marketing challenges and how to overcome them.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a startup considering influencer marketing, we’ve got you covered with insights and solutions. 🚀

Stay tuned as we unveil the strategies to conquer these challenges and transform your influencer marketing game! 🎯🔍

Influencer marketing challenges - The biggest problem.

11 Influencer marketing challenges

We often talk about the benefits of influencer marketing but never about the problems. 

It’s time to face reality.

Here are 11 typical challenges of influencer marketing.

And don’t fret. We’ve sprinkled in the solution to each of these problems.

Let’s roll. 👇

Problem 1: Finding the right influencer

Finding the perfect influencer match is the first and most common influencer marketing issue. 

But wait, why does this matter? 

Let’s explain.

Imagine you’re a brand promoting eco-friendly products, but your influencer is all about fast fashion. 

Oops! That’s a mismatch nightmare. 😣

And here’s a shocker: 67% of brands struggle with this exact challenge.

The right influencer should be like a mirror of your brand’s soul. 

Their values, image, and audience must resonate with what you stand for. 

Imagine an influencer who’s all about sustainability, rocking your eco-friendly gear – that’s a match made in marketing heaven! 🌿🌍

But the flip side? 

👉 A bad fit can be disastrous

Imagine an influencer known for luxury splurges promoting budget-saving apps. The message gets lost, and so does your audience’s trust. 😬

Fear not! 

The solution is at your fingertips. 

You can swipe right on the perfect influencer with an influencer vetting platform

These platforms help you find influencers who tick all the boxes – audience size, quality, interests, and those oh-so-important engagement rates.

How to calculate the engagement rate on Instagram.

Problem 2: Cost and budgeting

The next influencer marketing problem is a sensitive one. 🤫

Yes, we’re talking about money in influencer marketing.

It’s often like walking a tightrope! 

👉 Think about it – invest too little and miss out on top talent. 

Splurge too much, and, well, your finance team might not be too happy. 😅

Here’s a tip: Start with a clear goal

Are you boosting brand awareness or driving sales? 

Your objective determines your spending. 

Also, remember not all influencers are created equal. A micro-influencer can give you more bang for your buck than a celebrity.

💡 Pro tip: Check out how much a micro-influencer charges per post. Consider their engagement. That’s bang for your buck!

So, how can you judge how much an influencer will charge?

Easy: Use an influencer marketing platform.

These platforms often offer cost estimates for working with different influencers. 

This means you can find the perfect influencer without breaking the bank.

How to tell if an Instagram account is fake: Did you know? click analytics can identify fake followers and fake accounts.

Problem 3: Measuring ROI

Another typical influencer marketing problem is measuring your return on investment (ROI). 🧮

The real pickle is in quantifying how much bang you’re getting for your buck when working with influencers.

Vanity metrics can often dazzle us, thinking we’re winning when we’re not. 😶

Here’s the deal: Influencer marketing isn’t just about likes and shares

There are over 7 essential influencer marketing metrics to keep your eyes on, like engagement, conversion, and audience growth. 

Plus, it would help if you tracked several influencer marketing KPIs, from brand sentiment to sales numbers.

So, how do you juggle this when you’re new to influencer marketing?

You could grab your trusty calculator and do it manually. 🤨

Or, you could let AI-powered software do it for you.

👉 Yes, we’re talking about an influencer marketing platform like Click Analytic.

Our platform makes tracking the essential metrics across all your influencers a breeze.

Find YouTube Influencers: Did you know 35% of influence marketing managers work with youtube creators?.

Problem 4: Authenticity and trust

Many influencer marketing managers make this mistake: They think influencer marketing is a quick and easy ticket to bags full of money.

It is. 🤑

But, there’s a problem.

The problem? 

👉 They forget to build authenticity and trust.

Authenticity is the golden ticket to consumer trust. 

Did you know? A staggering 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support. That’s huge!

But here’s the rub – keeping promotions genuine can be a tightrope walk.

Let’s talk about real-world examples. 

A great case of authenticity is an influencer who genuinely uses and loves a product, sharing their honest experiences. Their followers can feel the sincerity, boosting trust and credibility.

On the flip side, we’ve all seen those cringy, salesy posts that scream ‘paid ad’ without a hint of personal connection. 

It’s a trust-breaker and a big no-no. 🚫

Authenticity is the backbone of influencer marketing success. If you build trust, you build sales

It’s that simple. 🤗

Click Analytic can help streamline influencer marketing.

Problem 5: Managing influencer relationships

Many marketers complain that influencers come and go.

The result?

Their brand reputation takes a knock. 🥊

It’s a real influencer marketing challenge, but there’s a simple solution.

👉 Invest in your influencers. 

Turn them into brand ambassadors.


Here’s an eye-opener: Brands focusing on long-term influencer relationships see more consistent and authentic engagement, boosting brand loyalty

It’s a win-win! 😁

To foster these lasting bonds, communication is critical

Regular check-ins, respecting their creative process, and providing constructive feedback go a long way. 

Also, celebrate their milestones and successes – it shows you care beyond the contract.

💡Pro tip: Use this free influencer marketing contract when working with influencers. It keeps everything neat, simple, and organised.

Influencer marketing KPIs: ROI is king!

Problem 6: Content control

It’s natural to want to try and control everything in marketing.

But this adds to the challenges of influencer marketing.

Yes, too much control can be bad for you. 🫢 Who knew, right?

Imagine a scripted, robotic-sounding post that lacks the influencer’s personal touch. It feels forced, and the audience can tell.

The result? 

Less engagement and even less trust in your brand. 😶‍🌫️

On the other hand, too little control might lead to off-brand messages or misaligned content that confuses your audience.

So, how do you overcome this problem?

👉 The key is collaboration.

Use an influencer marketing brief to set clear guidelines. 


Trust the influencer’s expertise in engaging their audience. They know what resonates with their audience.

Types of influencer marketing: A woman holding a tablet with the words did you know?.

Problem 7: Platform and format challenges

Every social media platform is a different world.

Each platform has a unique audience and content format. Just look at TikTok vs Instagram.

So, naturally, this leads to some influencer marketing issues.

The challenge? 

👉 Tailoring your strategies to fit each platform.

Let’s explain. 👇

🎯 Facebook caters to a broad demographic with diverse content types. 

🎯 Instagram thrives on visuals

🎯 X (formerly Twitter) is all about concise, impactful messages.

🎯 TikTok is the kingdom of short-form, organic (read: unscripted or unpolished) videos.

🎯 LinkedIn works for B2B influencer marketing.

Why bother trying to get your brand on every platform? 

And why cater to the different content types?

Matching your audience with the right platform and content format is crucial to maximise engagement rates. This ensures your message resonates where it’s most effective. 

Look at it like this: You’re choosing the right key for the right lock – precision is the key (pun intended!) to unlocking engagement on different platforms! 😁

Celebrity endorsement: Did you know click analytic can help famous influencers to partner?.

Problem 8: Audience engagement

You’re wasting time and effort if your influencer marketing strategy doesn’t lead to engagement.

Yes, ensuring genuine interest and engagement from the influencer’s followers is another critical influencer marketing challenge. 

It’s not just about numbers; it’s about how actively involved the audience is.

Here’s a stat to ponder: Only about 10% of an influencer’s followers typically engage with their content. 

That means a lot of the audience is scrolling past. 🙄

So, how do you engage your audience?

You start by:

👉 Finding the right influencer in the right niche with the right audience interests.

👉 Learn from their content what worked well in the past.

👉 Look at new suitable trends.

You can also use an influencer marketing platform to delve into audience interests, ensuring you’re connecting with the right people in a meaningful way. 

After all, there’s a reason why it must be in your influencer marketing toolkit.

How to get endorsements.

Problem 9: Legal and compliance issues

Unsurprisingly, legal and compliance issues are on our list of influencer marketing problems.

Legal and compliance issues in influencer marketing are crucial. 

Just look at the scandal that forced Coca-Cola to dump Chiara Ferragni

So, how do you ensure compliance?

👉 Adhere to regulations. 

👉 Make proper disclosures. 

👉 Manage your contractual agreements.

You don’t want to be penalised for not disclosing paid partnerships, misleading consumers, and violating advertising standards.

To ensure legal compliance, thorough influencer marketing contracts outlining expectations and responsibilities are essential. 

Also, staying updated with advertising laws and guidelines is critical. This includes clear disclosures on sponsored content to maintain transparency. 

Play it safe and smart in the legal arena, and this is one influencer marketing problem you won’t have to worry about. 📜👩‍⚖️

Did you know?.

Problem 10: Adapting to changing trends

It’s no secret that you’re not making money if you’re not trending. 🥲

But how do you stay ahead of trends?

Easy: Create your own trends. Like Hailey Bieber did with Rhose Skin.

Also, it pays to keep your ear on the ground and follow the news.

Consider how quickly short-form video content rose to prominence with platforms like TikTok. Brands that quickly embraced this trend saw significant engagement boosts. ⬆️

Staying ahead requires a keen eye on social media trends and algorithm updates. 

👉 Regularly review and adjust your strategy. 

Engage with trendsetters and key opinion leaders

Attend industry events and use analytical tools to keep your finger on the pulse of change. 🚀🔍

Brands that work with micro-influencers. Did you know?.

Problem 11: Fake followers

Our final and most significant influencer marketing problem is this one: fake followers.

The challenge is spotting and steering clear of fake influencers who’ve bought followers or engagement. 


👉 Because fake followers don’t interact meaningfully with content, rendering campaigns ineffective.

Let’s give you a scare: up to 15% of Twitter users are automated bot accounts. 

Fake followers are everywhere, and they’re hurting your engagement rates.

Fake followers can tarnish your brand’s image and waste marketing resources. 

So, how do you spot fake followers? 

Use these fake follower checker strategies.

Or, use an influencer vetting platform, like Click Analytic. 

Click Analytic, for instance, uses AI to sift through followers, identifying mass and fake followers

The result?

The software ensures an accurate audience score, safeguarding your campaigns from the pitfalls of inauthentic engagement. 🚀🔍

A man in a lab coat is holding a clipboard with social media icons.


And there you have it: 11 influencer marketing challenges and clever ways to overcome them. What’s next?

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